Page 1 - Kings Point Property Owners Association - 2002 Certificate of Incorporation
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Corporations Section                                                                             Gwyn Shea
P.O.Box 13697
Austin. Texas 7871 1-3697                                                                        Secretary of State

                         Office of the Secretarv of State

                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

                           Kings Point Property Owners Association, Inc.

                                                Filins Number: 800075965

The undersigned, as Secretary of State of Texas, hereby certifies that Articles of Lrcorporation for the

above named corporation have been received in this office and have been found to conform to law.

Accordingly, the undersigned, as Secretary of State, and by virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary
by law, hereby issues this Certificate of Incorporation.

Issuance of this Certificate of Incorporation does not authorize the use of a name in this state in violation
of the rights of another under the federal Trademark Act of 1946, the Texas trademark law, the Assumed
Business or Professional Name Act. or the common law.

Dated: 0411212002

Effective: 0411212002

                                                                                                 dL/H4"w Jnltlu

                                                                                                     Gwyn Shea
                                                                                                     Secretary of State

                                Come visit us on the internet at http ://www. sos.

PHONE(512) 463-sss5             FAX(512) 463-s709                                                TTYT-1-1

Preoared bv: Saleena Sahibdeen