Page 2 - Kings Point Property Owners Association - Document Retention Policy
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Corporate Documents                         Records Retention Schedule
Board Meeting Minutes
Membership Meeting Minutes                  rCurrent vear 7
Proxies and Voting Records
Notices of Meetines                         lg1ent year + 7
Written Agendas                             ggn'qlt year + 7
Attendance Records
Committee Meetine Records                   Current year + 7
Architecture Control Records and Documents
                                            Current year * 7
                                            Current year * 7

                                            Current year + 7


Legal and Insurance Documents               Records Retention Schedule
Contracts w th term of one year or more     Current year + 4 after expiration
Contracts w th term of less than one vear   Current year + 4
lnsurance Policies                          Current year + 7
                                            Current year + 7
Insurance Records                           Current year + 7
Settled lnsurance Claims                    Current year + 7 or until matter is
                                            resolved, whichever is longer
Court Files and Pleadinss
Attorney Legal Opinions

                                       DESTRUCTION .qF RECORDS

        The Association will be responsible for complying with the records retention policy and

the destruction of records. The destruction of records should be done to presen,e tlre

confidentialitv of the documents.

       Before the destruction of any records, the Board of Directors will be notified that

documents are set to be destroyed in accordance with this policy. The Board will review the

information and consent to the categories of items proposed for destruction. After approval by
the Board, the documents will be destroyed. The destruction of documents (both hardcopy and
electronic) may be by shredding, pulping, or any other method that destroys media beyond

reconstruction in an environmentally sound manner.

This poiicy may be amended from time to time by the Board of Directors.

A Texas Non-Profit Corporation
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