Page 1 - Kings Point Property Owners Association - 2015 By-Laws
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                                  BY-LAWS OF THE

                                Adopted |Y.ovember 201 5

                ARTICLE, I

         The name of the corporation is KINGS POINT'PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION.
INC., hereinafter ref-erred to as tl-re "Associatiott."

        The principal office of the corporatiorr will be located at 1228 Kings Point Drive, Canyon

Lake, Texas, 78133, but meetings-oI'the officers and directors may be held at such places within
Comal County, Texas, as may be designated by tl're Board of Directors.

                                          ARTICLE II


       Section 1. "Association" shall mean and ref-er to the KINGS POINT PROPERTY

OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Texas non-profit corporation, its successors and assigns.

         Section 2. "Propefties" shall mean and refer to that certain real properly described in the
Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Kings Point Subdivision (t-lnits 1 and

2), Kings PointNorlh Subdivision (Unit 3), and Lots I and2 Kings Point East, as supplemented

or amended, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of-the


         Section 3. "Common Area" shall rnean all real property owned by the Association for the
common use and enioyment of the Owners. as more fully described in the Declarations.

        Section 4. "Lot" shall mean and rel-er to any plot o1'land shown upon any recorded

subdivision map of the Properties with the exception of the Common Area.

        Section 5. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or lnore
persons or entities, of the fee simple title to any [-ot which is a part of the Properties, including

contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security fbr the performance
of an obligation.

       Section 6. "Declarations" shall rnean and refer to (a) the Declaration of Covenants,

Conditions and Restrictions executed on.lanuary 26, 1983, and recorded on January 26, 1983. in
Volume 339, Page 497 of the Deed Records of Conral County, Texas and amended by the First
Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions executed on August 10. 1984.
and recorded in Volume 459, Page 331 and re-recorcled in Volume 488, Page 17, Official Public

Records of Comal County. Texas (Llnits I and ?). and (b) the Declaration of Covenants.

Conditions, and Restrictions of-Kings Point Llnit 3 Subdivision dated May 3,2007, recorded as
Document No.200706018832 in the Of1rcial I'}ublic Records of Comal County, Texas (Kings
Point North), as these may be supplemented or an'rended from time to time.
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