Page 3 - Kings Point Property Owners Association - 01/10/2012 Management Certificate
P. 3


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, by Darryl G. Stegemoller, the
thePreside4t of the Kings Point Properly Owners Association, Inc. on this lO day of
J1,n, erJv/7l
                      20l2,to certiff which witness my hand and seal of office.

                                               NOTAR PIJBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS

                                                       swE or lgAS
                                                ifiy €enilr. trp. 10-23'2014

               F i i ei arii-i fte*'rrded
               *f l'iciaI Fuhiic Records
               Jn;* St rtrater , C*untY Clerk

               Camal **unLY '     Texas  ftF|
               '31/1fl1?012 1'l


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